I’m a Five-Element Acupuncture Master, psychotherapist, teacher and best-selling author.
I founded Kite Clinic (London) where we care for the body, mind and spiritual health of our patients.
As “Daddy of all Fertility Experts”, I provide expert advice on baby-making.
Yellow Path is my Five-Element acupuncture school and offers a two-year professional training.
Gerad Kite
The Five Elements
According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the entire universe can be observed and experienced through the five elements as found in nature; Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, and Metal.
In humankind, we can observe these elements manifesting in many different ways: for example – five pairings of organs, five distinct emotions, sounds, smells and colours. Each organ of the body corresponds to one of the elements, which in turn corresponds to one of the seasons of the year. The elements are the five distinct phases through which all things pass from their beginning to their end.
Wood represents our capacity to be born and grow and is associated with the season of spring; it rises up with vision and determination to realise the plan of growth and renewal. Wood gives us the structure and flexibility to create our lives with hope and optimism, overcoming obstacles and creating our path.
Fire gives us the capacity to warm and open and is associated with the season of summer. It gives us warmth, the capacity to love and to be loved. It enables us to mature and blossom and its function is to help us relate. Here we find our passion, our ability to feel joy in all our endeavours. Feeling emotionally protected by love we communicate with openness and honesty.
Earth gives us the capacity to receive and be satisfied and is associated with the season of late summer and a time of harvesting. This element gives us the ability to nurture ourselves and others. By feeling centred and grounded it enables us to understand ourselves and sympathise with others without losing our sense of self.
Metal gives us the capacity to see the quality and value of life and is associated with the season of autumn. It gives us our sense of self worth and a capacity to look at what lies beyond ourselves and the power to let go.
Water gives the capacity to find our inner power and deepest sense of self. It is associated with the season of winter, pausing in time to regenerate and gather strength. Water gives us the power to adapt and the will and drive to fulfil the potential given to us at birth.
Podcast: The Power of Choice with Gerad Kite
Over the past thirty years as a psychotherapist and Acupuncture Master, I've worked with thousands of patients to help them find an inner balance and unblock the obstacles that prevent them from choosing the right direction of their own lives. Now, I'm bringing my straight-talking approach to my podcast series where I cut to the chase with my guests about the reasons they get stuck, make poor choices and get in their own way. If you are ready for the unvarnished truth, then join me on this powerful journey of self-discovery.

Yellow Path Five-Element Training
Written by Gerad Kite
Gerad Kite's acclaimed books, "Everything You Need You Have" and "The Art of Baby Making," offer valuable insights into health and fertility, reflecting decades of clinical experience and a deep understanding of Five-Element Acupuncture.